The following is an overview of GTP’s Coaches Collective™ and how it works. The Coaches Collective has been created and conceived by GTP, and is the easiest and most standard form of accountability that exists today. The Coaches Collective serves as an accountability ledger for Coaches, Trainers, Academies, Athletes, Guardians and Agents across the entire tennis community. The Coaches Collective, which is personal for each Member, archives who has contracted with who, the amount of deferred compensation associated with each contract, and maintains detailed records of services that have been provided and received. GTP has eradicated compensation ambiguity. Universal standard contracts protect everyone’s best interests with an unbiased third party (GTP) to hold all parties accountable. Any deferred compensation associated with a GTP contract is held by GTP as an aggregate entitled 'A Collective.' Athletes and Guardians are ONLY required to compensate a Coach, Trainer or Academy for the Collective they have accumulated as outlined in the Operating Agreement that governs
The Association of Ethical Tennis Coaches and Players.
This again serves as an overview for the Program but should not supersede the Official Operating Agreement governing the Association of Ethical Coaches and Players.
1) A Certified Provider may execute Amateur Status Contracts and Engagement Contracts with up to ten (10) Certified Guardians or ten (10) Certified Athletes simultaneously but may only have three (3) executed and active Engagement+ Contracts with Athletes at any one time.
2) Archived records will be promulgated of who each Provider has worked with and for how long. Within a Members profile page, a private portal titled ‘My Collective’ will contain total amount of deferred compensation that is owed to each Provider for services they have rendered. Records of who each Provider has worked with will be visible to the community, however the total Collective will remain hidden.
3) No Provider may negotiate deferred compensation amounts in excess of $750 per day, $3500 per week, or $13,000 per month for Amateur Status and Engagement Contracts with any Certified Guardian or Athlete. Any Contract submitted outside of these standards will not be approved by GTP. No Contract will be accepted if under $50 deferred compensation.
4) A Provider will be compensated on a pro-rated basis of their percentage of a Collective with any Athlete. Additionally, your standing as a Provider within the Association will determine in which order you are paid. Good Standing, Suspended, Terminated. See Operating Agreement section 5.05 for more detailed information.
5) There is no limit on the total Collective a Provider may accrue.
6) GTP will ensure all Athletes and Guardians who have contracted with a Certified GTP Provider will be held accountable for their Collective.
7) No Provider may submit Amateur Status or Engagement Contracts with a Guardian or Athlete that would cause that Guardian or Athlete to exceed the ceiling of $100,000 (USD) accrued Collective including interest.
8) No Provider may submit Engagement+ Contracts with an Athlete that would cause that Athlete to exceed the ceiling of $175,000 (USD) accrued Collective including interest.
9) A Provider must agree to all rules and regulations of the Operating Agreement regarding the re-payment by Guardians and Athletes, specifically to their Collective and deferred compensation and fees Associated to GTP for collection. For further information refer to the Association’s Operating Agreement of the responsibilities of Guardians and Athletes for repayment.
1) No Athlete may have more than five (5) Engagement Contracts and no more than two (2) Engagement+ Contracts with a Certified Provider at any time.
2) No Athlete outside of the top 650 singles or top 200 doubles currently or within the last two years of todays date, will be granted access to Engagement+ Contracts unless they have otherwise successfully completed 9 contractual months of Engagement Contracts with the same Certified Coach, Trainer or Academy and or applied for access to Engagement+ Contracts with a Provider of their choice through the Engagement+ Application.
3) No Athlete who signs Engagement+ Contracts will be allowed by GTP to accumulate more than $175,000 (USD) of a Collective including interest.
4) Any deferred compensation held by GTP upon the completion of a GTP Contract will begin to accrue a 4% interest rate per year until the collective is paid in full. No prepayment penalties exist.
5) An Athlete’s Collective will be viewable from their own personal private portal titled ‘My Collective.’ My Collective tab archives who you have worked with and what portion of your collective was accrued by what Provider. Who you have worked with will be visible to the community, however, your total collective will remain private and hidden.
6) Everyone involved in the Collective will be held accountable. a) Providers to perform their services as they agreed upon b) Athletes for honoring the compensation they agreed to provide.
7) Any Collective accrued and unresolved with Engagement+ Contracts upon an Athlete’s retirement will be waived.
8) Any Collective accrued and unresolved subsequent to an Athletes retirement with Engagement Contracts will begin a five (5) year payment. GTP classifies retirement as not having played 8 ATP/ITF/WTA tournaments in two consecutive calendar years. Athlete to pay 3.5% of outstanding Collective per quarter with no pre-payment penalties.
1) No Guardian who signs Amateur Status Contracts will be allowed by GTP to accumulate more than $100,000 (USD) of a Collective including interest.
2) No Guardian may have more than five (5) active Amateur Status Contracts with a Certified Provider.
3) Any Collective held by GTP will accrue a 4% interest rate per year until the Collective is paid in full. No prepayment penalties.
4) A Guardian is required to begin a payment plan one (1) year from the conclusion of the calendar quarter from when the Amateur Status Contract was completed. If two (2) contracts were completed in the same quarter, total amount owed will be 3.5% of the total aggregate of both Contracts.
5) A Guardian’s Collective will be viewable from their own personal private portal titled ‘My Collective.’ My Collective tab archives who you have worked with and what portion of your collective was accrued by what Provider. Who you have worked with will be visible to the community, however your total collective will remain private and hidden.
6) A Guardian will be notified via invoice ten (10) days prior to close of each total Collective owed.
7) All contract amounts are negotiable with any Certified Provider.
8) A Payment Plan for any Collective owed is scheduled for a five-year re-payment plan at 3.5% of outstanding collective per quarter. A one time balloon payment to occur at the conclusion of the fifth year. If all payments are made in a timely manner, at the discretion of GTP, this Payment Plan may be extended.