Here you may find answers to almost all questions as they pertain to the roll that you will register as. Please keep in mind, GTP’s cultural changing business service that may be utilized only when your Certified, is an entirely new way to conduct business. Nothing like GTP has ever been created so take your time to understand the concept of “deferred compensation.” With deferred compensation, opportunities that had never before existed are now available.
Frequently Asked Questions
The following answers to Questions is not to supersede the Operating Agreement.
This is merely offering guidelines of what the Operating Agreement states to frequently asked questions by Certified Members.
Membership fees/payments/requirements/reasons
GTP and the Association of Ethical Tennis Coaches and Players were created in an effort to bring uniformity, accountability and an opportunity for Coach’s to invest their time into the talent of an Athlete, Minor Athlete or a Guardian’s child or ward through what we call the “Coaches Collective.” The Collective offers the tennis community:
- Uniform, familiar, easy to understand, digitally manifested and globally accepted Contracts.
- Uniform rules and regulations that govern all Members of the Association and their executed contracts.
- Opportunities for Coaches, Athletes, Minor Athletes and Guardians to work together today with a promise from the Athlete, Minor Athlete or Guardian to a Coach for future compensation.
- An independent an unbiased third party (the Association) to hold all Members equally accountable.
- Archived records of whom has worked with whom.
GTP has created an opportunity that allows a Coach to invest and provide their time to a Guardian, Athlete or Minor Athlete through our Certified Contracts, with a promise from the Guardian, Athlete or Minor Athlete to compensate the Coach for their true and still negotiated value through either;
(a) A non-intrusive payment plan (Guardian); or
(b) On 15% of future Tournament Winnings (Athlete) for services provided.
We give Coaches, Trainers, Athletes, Guardians, Agents, Academies and Minor Athletes all an alternative way to conduct business but also an opportunity to practice better business.
There are three (3) Classes of Members:
Providers: Coaches, Trainers and Academies
Clients: Guardians, Athletes and Minor Athletes
Representatives: Agents
Coach: A person who works with people who want to learn, improve, or compete in tennis. They lead one-on-one or group practices, often at a school or club on a tennis court. A tennis coach should be able to gauge student abilities and provide them with instruction to improve their skills on the tennis court.
Trainer: A person who is a certified and licensed health care professional who practices in the field of sports medicine. Athletic training encompasses the prevention, examination, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of emergent, acute or chronic injuries and medical conditions.
Academy: A camp or training program focused on developing sporting skills. Academies or camps may be conducted over a series of days, weeks or several months.
Guardian: Means, (1) a parent or legal guardian of an individual Amateur who is under eighteen (18) years of age or; (2) A parent or legal guardian of an individual Amateur who is above eighteen (18) years of age with the express consent of the Manager, whose parent or Guardian wishes to maintain responsibility for their child or ward’s collective in an effort to maintain their child or ward’s NCAA eligibility or for other extenuating circumstances.
Athlete: A tennis player who is eighteen (18) years of age or older who desires to participate and receive professional lessons and instruction.
Minor Athlete: A tennis player under eighteen (18) years of age but is fourteen (14) years of age or older and who, with his or her Guardian’s consent and oversight, has decided to forgo his or her amateur status, and who is or desires actively to pursue a career as a professional tennis player by competing in professional tournaments.
Agent: A legal representative (hence agent) for professional sports figures such as athletes and coaches who desire to actively pursue a career as a professional athlete or coach by competing in professional tournaments or coaching professional players.
Initial Coach Application Fee: (USD) $130
Initial Coach Membership Fee: (USD) $100 pro-rated for the year from the day of your subscription.
Coach Annual Membership fee: (USD) $100 per year recurring Membership fee.
Total first payment required: (USD) Between $131 and $230 depending upon the date of your enrollment.
There are no hidden fees. All fees are also outlined in the Association of Ethical Tennis Coaches and Players Operating Agreement which you are required to read and fully comprehend prior to applying for certified status as a Coach. However, additional collections from GTP and the Association are as follows:
1) The Association will retain 20% of any collective or deferred compensation that is owed from an Athlete, Minor Athlete or Guardian to a Certified Coach, Trainer or Academy. For example, if an Athlete owed a Coach $100, the Association will retain $20 for maintaining this platform and distribute $80 to the Coach, Trainer or Academy upon a payment from an Athlete on 15% of their Tournament Winnings.
2) The Association applies a 4% interest rate to any of the collective or deferred compensation that “sits on the books,” by an Athlete, Minor Athlete or Guardian. Interest begins to accrue on the date that any Executed Certified Contract completes to the time when the collective is reconciled. This will be retained the Association and is the responsibility of the Guardian, Athlete, or Minor Athlete’s Guardian to reconcile.
- A Coach must fully understand and accept the Association’s Operating Agreement prior to beginning a profile build, completing an Application, or executing any Certified Contracts within the Association. Please seek the advice of legal counsel prior to accepting the terms of the Agreement.
- Complete and submit a full Application and W-9 (if applicable) to the Association for acceptance.
- Link an external bank account to ensure proper compensation.
- Complete your subscription with the enrollment fees and membership fees mentioned in FAQ section (What will this cost me?). Total to be between (USD) $131-$230 depending upon the date of enrollment.
- Understand the minimum and maximum limits you may negotiate with an Athlete, Minor Athlete or Guardian. (See FAQ What are characteristics of the Certified Contracts under Section How does GTP work?)
- Understand the reconciliation requirements of Guardians, Athletes and Minor Athletes. (See FAQ Section Compensation for a Coach)
- Conduct yourself with integrity and within the guidelines of the Association’s Operating Agreement. (See FAQ Can I lose my Certification as a Coach with the Association? Under Section How does GTP work?
NO. Absolutely NOT. In fact we recommend using other alternative forms of contracts when they are most conducive for you. GTP’s contracts are an alternative way to conduct business in an effort to empower Coaches to value and empower themselves. When the day arrives that someone can not afford your regular rate and your borderline about to compromise your value, that is when you need to use GTP’s contracts.
NOTE: Only contracts executed within GTP’s Association will be protected.
- Universally accepted Contracts.
- Use of our Certified Contracts.
- Universal familiarity with our Contracts.
- Protection for your Contract.
- An ability to now say yes to a Client you had previously told no due to their lack of funds.
- Archived records of whom has worked with whom.
- Uniform code of business conduct and ethics.
- Build what is the equivalent of an annuity for yourself within our system.
- Freedom of not tarnishing your own reputation when asking others to be accountable.
- You have perfected your craft and now you must protect your value.
The Coaching business is a commodities business where, at times, it seems to be a race to the bottom of who can charge the least in order to establish relationships with Athletes, Minor Athletes or Guardians. You have value and you ought to protect your value. Understanding some Athletes, Minor Athletes and Guardians may not be able to afford your rates, but with Amateur Contracts, Guardians can now afford your coaching with non-intrusive payment plans. Athletes and Minor Athletes can reconcile their collective on 15% of future Tournament Winnings for services you have provided thus paying what they can presently afford.
- When you initiate a Contract from your profile (Start a new Contract) all of your information is auto-populated into the Contract.
- At the conclusion of each Contract, a quality control email will be promulgated to ensure that services offered were provided and in fact received according to both parties.
- Once this acknowledgement has been made by both contracting parties, GTP and the Association, through an advanced and sophisticated servicing system, will hold the agreed collective on the books.
- All Contracts are stored on confidential third party servers.
- Each Members collective may be viewed from a private portal from their Association profile titled “My Collective.”
- At any time, should you think records were not updated accurately, please contact the Association immediately.
How does GTP Work?
The answer is Yes and No.
Yes: The Contracts to each specific Certified Member are identical. Once you have executed a Certified Contract as a Coach, the Contract will not be different the second time you utilize it. The only exception may be who you contract with and the amount of service, base compensation and deferred compensation you negotiate (if the Association decides to change the body of a Contract, you will be notified).
No: Each Contract varies slightly to cater towards what a Certified Coach will provide, a Certified Trainer will provide and to what a Certified Academy will provide for services.
Additionally, Amateur Contracts differ from Engagement Contracts and Engagement Contracts differ from Engagement+ Contracts in the responsibilities of a Guardian, Athlete and Minor Athlete and how they must reconcile their accrued Collective.
The Coaches Collective is a term GTP’s Association has conceived and trademarked to represent the total amount of compensation that a Coach, Trainer or Academy has deferred for a later date while simultaneously meaning how much deferred compensation a Guardian, Athlete or Minor Athlete has outstanding to a Coach, Trainer, Academy or Agent.
All Member’s Collective is held and accounted for by GTP’s Association and can be viewed by a Member at any time as to what Collective they have individually accrued through their own private portal from their Association profile page titled “My Collective”. All Certified Members have given the Association the permission to manage, enforce, collect and disseminate this Collective per the regulations of the Association’s Operating Agreement.
The Aggregate Collective is the sum of all collectives that a Guardian, Athlete or Minor Athlete has accrued with each individual Certified Coach, Trainer or Academy. All Coaches, Trainers and Academies who have executed similar contracts (Amateur or Engagement Contracts) will be added to the total Collective and compensated according to their pro-rata share of that Members Collective.
Pro-rata means the percentage of a collection that you as a Coach would receive in reconciliation from an Athlete.
Example 1: If Athlete 1 ONLY has a collective with Coach A in the amount of $10k, should Athlete 1 have Tournament Winnings in the amount of $50k, then $7.5k (15% of $50K) will be used to reconcile the outstanding collective to $2.5k.
Example 2: If Athlete 1 has a collective with Coach A in the amount of $10k and another collective with Coach B in the amount of $20k, total aggregate Collective would equal $30k. Should Athlete 1 have Tournament Winnings of $50k then 15% or $7.5k will be used to reconcile both collectives. Since Coach A is 1/3 of the total collective and Coach B is 2/3 of the total Collective, Coach A’s pro-rata share on $7.5k is 1/3 or $2500 while Coach B pro-rata share is 2/3 and will receive $5000 towards reconciling his collective.
Engagement+ Contracts:
Is identical to what is mentioned above except the pro-rata portion attributed to each individual Coach, Trainer or Academy would also include 10% of any endorsement deals executed during the term of an Engagement+ Contract by an Athlete.
Athletes, Minor Athletes and Guardians:
1) These Certified Members are protected from exploitative Coaches, Trainers and Academies who sign talent to % of earnings in perpetuity.
2) Checks and balances have been put into place ensuring negotiated deferred rates for an hour, day, week or month long contract do not exceed a certain maximum to ensure an Athlete, Minor Athlete or Guardian is not being exploited. (See What are Characteristics of the Certified Contracts in FAQ Section How does GTP work?)
Coaches, Trainers and Academies:
The collective of any Guardian, Athlete or Minor Athlete from any Coach, Trainer or Academy is added together to create what we call the total Collective. Should an Athlete, Minor Athlete or Guardian fail on any obligation or commitment to reconcile this Collective, all Members involved in the Collective will be equally represented and protected.
Agents: Agents will now have “skin in the game” and any Contracts they have initiated will be under the same umbrella as Trainers, Coaches and Academies. Should a Guardian, Athlete or Minor Athlete default in their commitments, an Agent will be protected just the same.
No exclusivity is the perk of GTP and the Association. GTP’s Association rids the sporting community of exclusivity. Any member can terminate contracts whenever they feel a relationship may not be working. Whenever a relationship ends, both sides can depart amicably knowing that value has been honored in the agreement. A Coach will be compensated in the future for the services he or she provided.
All Certified Contracts can be negotiated for as little as one (1) hour up to a maximum of three (3) months.
Total deferred compensation minimum and maximums:
One (1) hour: (USD) Minimum $5 Maximum $750
One (1) day: (USD) Minimum $5 Maximum $750
One (1) week: (USD) Minimum $5 Maximum $3500
One (1) month: (USD) Minimum $5 Maximum $13000
Total accrued Collective:
Guardian: No Certified Contract will be approved by GTP and the Association that places a Guardian over a (USD) $100k threshold for total collective (including interest).
Athlete and Minor Athlete: No Certified Contract (Engagement Contract) will be approved by GTP and the Association that places a Certified Athlete or Minor Athlete over a (USD) $100k threshold for total collective (including interest) from Engagement Contracts.
Athlete: No Certified Contract (Engagement+Contracts) will be approved by GTP and the Association that places a Certified Athlete over a (USD) $175k threshold when all Engagement Contracts added with Engagement+ Contracts put them over this additional $75k threshold.
Base compensation (Upfront compensation):
Total upfront payments must be included in the contract, however GTP and the Association bear zero responsibility in the enforcement or compliance of this base or Up-front payment between a Coach and Guardian, Athlete or Minor Athlete.
This is the beauty of GTP and the Association. A Certified Guardian, Athlete or Minor Athlete can terminate or stop working with a Certified Coach, Trainer or Academy at any time for any reason. There should be no hard feelings from either side for a Coach will be compensated appropriately for the time and service that he or she rendered at some future time.
Should a Guardian, Athlete or Minor Athlete terminate a contract early or decide to no longer work with you as a Coach, a pro-rata portion of the executed contract will be added to the collective. The outstanding time on the contract will be voided. This is why Contracts have a three (3) month maximum term.
Sorry, we do not allow contracts for longer than three (3) months. However, we do offer extensions to already executed contracts.
GTP and the Association want to ensure relationships are working properly and can be re-negotiated should the relationship evolve for either side.
We at GTP and the Association feel that exclusivity is a root cause of the lack of growth of the Athlete/Minor Athlete/Guardian-Coach relationship. At times, exclusivity is synonymous with compromising ones value, (working for nominal consideration for an extended period of time). Should a relationship terminate during this exclusive relationship, one side or another feels as if they are “owed” something, when in fact they are not.
With GTP and the Association, there will be no hard feelings if a relationship ends, for you as a Coach know that your services will eventually be reconciled.
Yes. The Association reserves the right to terminate your Certification or another Certified Member for any of the following reasons, including but not limited to:
(a) Certified Coach’s, Trainer’s, Agent’s, or Academy’s gross insubordination, gross malfeasance, gross misconduct, or physical abuse with respect to any Certified Guardian’s child or ward or any Certified Athlete or Minor Athlete; or
(b) Certified Coach’s, Trainer’s, Agent’s or Academy’s infidelity, dishonesty or misrepresentation with his or her dealings with or on behalf of Certified Guardian’s child or ward or a Certified Athlete or Minor Athlete in any matter; or
(c) the conviction of the Certified Coach, Guardian, Athlete, Trainer, Agent, Academy or Minor Athlete of a felony involving moral turpitude with all appeals period with respect to such conviction having expired or with any final appeals having been pursued unsuccessfully to conclusion; or
(d) the certification by a doctor licensed to practice in the State of Florida or other jurisdiction in which a Certified Contract is to be performed that the Certified Coach, Guardian, Athlete, Trainer, Agent, Academy or Minor Athlete is a habitual user of illegal drugs, or that the Certified Coach, Guardian, Athlete, Trainer, Agent, Academy or Minor Athlete is a habitual user of alcoholic beverages; or
(e) the repeated failure of the Certified Coach, Guardian, Athlete, Trainer, Agent, Academy or Minor Athlete to comply with the material provisions of the Association’s Operating Agreement, or with written directives of the Manager consistent herewith in Manager’s sole discretion, including but not limited to being punctual for any and all training; or
(f) any pattern of failure by the Certified Coach, Guardian, Athlete, Trainer, Agent, Academy or Minor Athlete to perform his or her obligations under any Certified Contracts without satisfactory explanation or the reason therefore in Manager’s sole discretion; or
(g) if three (3) or more Certified Contracts shall have been terminated within any twelve (12) Month period as permitted under the provisions of section 3.05(g) in the Association’s Operating Agreement; or
(h) the violation of any National Collegiate Athletic Association (“NCAA”) bylaw, rule or regulation in relation to any individual that has executed an Amateur Contract; or
(i) Charging a Certified Athlete, Minor Athlete or Guardian a fee in excess of the maximums referenced in the Association’s Operating Agreement Article 4 Section 4.02 or FAQ section (Characteristics of Certified Contracts); or
(j) Certified Coach’s, Trainer’s, Agent’s or Academy’s inappropriate, unprofessional, personal relationship with a Certified Athlete, Minor Athlete and/or Guardian in any manner in Manager’s sole discretion.
- Not renewing your annual Membership.
- Repeated terminations or claims of breach of Contract. (Three in a calendar year).
- All reasons stated in FAQ section How does GTP work? (Can I lose my Certification as a Coach with the Association.)
Base Compensation:
Means the amount per hour, day, week or month, if any, to be paid currently by the Certified Guardian, Athlete or Minor Athlete, as the case may be, to the Certified Coach, Trainer or Academy under the agreed-to terms in the contract with the Certified Coach, Trainer and/or Academy.
GTP is not responsible for ensuring compliance of any base or Up-front compensation.
Deferred compensation:
Means, the sum of (a) the deferred amount per hour, day, week or month to be paid by the Certified Guardian, Athlete or Minor Athlete, as the case may be, to the Certified Coach, Trainer or Academy under the agreed-to terms in the contract with the Certified Coach, Trainer and/or Academy, plus (b) interest at the rate of four percent (4.0%) per annum accruing from and after the completion date of each such contract to be collected by the Manager. Collected compensation shall then be made to the appropriate Certified Coaches, Trainers, Agents or Academies as provided in Article III and Article V of the Association’s Operating Agreement.
- (a) Understand and accept the Operating Agreement, (b) complete the Association’s Application, (c) be accepted by the Association, (d) link your external bank account, (e) subscribe to complete enrollment and Certification.
- Click on Start a New Contract highlighted in red above your profile page.
- Have a Guardian, Athlete or Minor Athlete you would like to Coach but is not enrolled in GTP’s Association, assist that person in registering and being Certified with the Association.
- Once an Athlete or Guardian has been Certified, select the contract you would like to begin (Amateur, Engagement, Engagement+). Extra caveats apply to Minor Athlete Contracts.
- Select the Certified Member you would like to contract with.
- Ensure you have negotiated the terms of your contract (a) Term or total number of hours/days/weeks/or months, (b) commencement date, (c) services to be provided (sparring sessions, coaching sessions, hitting sessions, etc), (d) up-front base compensation (if any), (e) deferred compensation (f) execute the contract and submit for Athlete or Guardians execution. (A Minor Athlete has extra caveats to begin a Contract)
- Wait for Athlete’s or Guardian’s execution of Certified Contract. (A Minor Athlete has extra caveats)
- Wait for the final execution from GTP Manager.
- Begin work.
These things happen and we are well prepared and understanding.
As iron clad as any contract may seem, in the end, how a contract is fulfilled truly comes down to how the two entities of a contract work together.
GTP and the Association will dispatch a quality control email one day following the last day of the term of every Certified Contract to ensure services were provided and received as promised.
One of three instances may occur:
- If you and your Athlete/Guardian/Minor Athlete determine that you both will be able to make up the lost time in a timely fashion, then agree that services have been provided and honor your commitments to one another in the near future. (Put a little faith in one another as honorable human beings)
- File an Extension from your profile page.
- In the event either one of you may not be able to make up the lost time, GTP’s Association will host a mediation to determine the pro-rata share amenable for both parties to be added to the Collective from services that were rendered.
A Minor Athlete is a person under the age of eighteen (18) but above fourteen (14) years of age. The Minor Athlete’s Guardian guarantees the contract based on 15% of the Minor Athlete’s Tournament Winnings.
These things happen and we are well prepared and understanding.
As iron clad as any contract may seem, in the end, how a contract is fulfilled truly comes down to how the two entities of a contract work together.
GTP and the Association will dispatch a quality control email a day following the last day of the term of every Certified Contract to ensure services were provided as promised.
One of three instances may occur:
- If you and your Athlete/Guardian determine that you both will be able to make up the lost time in a timely fashion, then agree that services have been provided and honor your commitments to one another in the near future or file an extension. (Put a little faith in one another as honorable human beings)
- File an extension which may be found from your Association profile page.
- In the event either one of you may not be able to make up the lost time, GTP’s Association will host a mediation to determine the pro-rata share amenable for both parties to be added to the Collective from services that were rendered.
Compensation for a Coach
A Certified Guardian begins a quarterly payment plan to GTP’s Association beginning one (1) year from the conclusion of the calendar quarter from when services were provided by a Certified Coach, Trainer or Academy on 14% of outstanding collective annually, including interest (Approximately 3.5% per quarter). These payments by a Guardian are made directly to GTP’s Association. The Association will then disseminate the appropriate pro-rata compensation to Coaches, Trainers and Academies in the following order:
First to Coaches who are in Good Standing with the Association.
Second to Coaches who are in Suspended Status (i.e. Not having renewed membership fee).
Third to Coaches whose Certifications have been Terminated. (See FAQ Section How does GTP work? Question: Can I lose my Certification?)
Compensation is collected and then distributed to the external account you have linked with your profile during your Application process.
Through your own personal private portal titled “My Collective,” found on your profile page, a Coach will be able to see what payments have been made and what payments are forthcoming and still outstanding.
An invoice is sent ten days prior to the conclusion of a quarter to every Guardian who has outstanding collective from Amateur Contracts (Beginning one year from the conclusion of the calendar quarter from when services were provided). Each Guardian will reconcile this invoice by the 1st of the month to GTP’s Association. So long as you (The Coach) have linked an external bank account and provided a W-9 during your Application and subscription phase, the Coach’s appropriation of the collective will be automatic and transferred directly to your account by the 15th day of the month (So long as Guardian has made a timely payment).
CERTIFIED ATHLETE: A Certified Athlete (Professional) agrees to compensate a Certified Coach, Trainer or Academy for services rendered on 15% of their future Tournament Winnings. Upon the Athlete’s retirement (not having played eight (8) sanctioned ATP, WTA or ITF tournaments in two (2) consecutive calendar years) the Athlete will be required to begin a reconciliation plan, two (2) years post their retirement, on 14% of the total remaining collective annually. This is identical to the Certified Guardian reconciliation plan. Reconciliations will be made to GTP’s Association by the Guardian quarterly (3.5% per quarter). At the conclusion of five (5) years a ballon payment by the Athlete is required on remaining or outstanding collective to GTP’s Association. Once a timely payment is made by the Athlete, the Association will then transfer a Coach their pro-rata portion of the collective by the 15th of the month so long as Athlete has made a timely payment.
MINOR ATHLETE: A Certified Minor Athlete’s (Professional) agrees to compensate a Certified Coach, Trainer or Academy through his or her Guardian for services rendered on 15% of their future tournament winnings. Upon the Minor Athlete’s retirement (not having played eight (8) sanctioned ATP, WTA, ITF or ITF Junior tournaments in two (2) consecutive calendar years) the Minor Athlete’s Guardian will be required to begin a reconciliation plan, two (2) years post their retirement, on 14% of the total remaining collective annually. This is identical to the Certified Guardian reconciliation plan. Reconciliations will be made to GTP’s Association by the Guardian quarterly (3.5% per quarter). At the conclusion of five (5) years a ballon payment by the Minor Athlete’s Guardian is required on remaining or outstanding collective to GTP’s Association. Once a timely payment is made by the Minor Athlete’s Guardian, the Association will then transfer a Coach their pro-rata portion of the collective by the 15th of the month so long as the Minor Athlete’s Guardian has made a timely payment.
An invoice is sent ten days prior to the conclusion of every month to each Certified Athlete or Minor Athlete who has any outstanding collective from Engagement Contracts. Should an Athlete or Minor Athlete have Tournament Winnings from that month, that Athlete or Minor Athlete’s Guardian will be required to use 15% of those Tournament Winnings (prior to any taxes or withholdings) towards reconciling any outstanding collective by the 1st of the month to GTP’s Association. So long as you (the Coach) have linked an external bank account and provided a W-9 during your Application and subscription phase, your pro-rata portion of the Collective will be automatically transferred directly to your account.
Tournament Winnings means any monetary value a Certified Athlete receives (prior to any taxes or withholdings) in consideration for playing in a professional tennis tournament that is sanctioned by the ATP, WTA or ITF or any substantially similar tennis organization that currently exists, or is created in the future.
These are next level contracts for Certified Coaches and Certified Athletes. Coaches and Athletes may only execute these contracts with the express permission of the Manager if one of two following conditions exist:
(1) The Athlete has been in the Top 150 Singles of the ATP/WTA within the last two (2) years or top 50 doubles of the ATP/WTA within the last two (2) years; or
(2) With the express permission of the Manager via the Engagement+ Application.
By executing an Engagement+ Contract, an Athlete is required to reconcile their collective with 15% of their future Tournament Winnings(prior to any taxes or withholdings) and with 10% of any endorsement deals that are/were executed during the term of their Engagement+ Contract.
Upon an Athletes Retirement, (not having played in eight (8) ATP, WTA or ITF sanctioned tournaments in two (2) consecutive calendar years) any outstanding Collective will be forgiven.
Signing an Engagement+ Contract is only allowed for Athletes who have had a proven track record of being an earner. A Coach is afforded the opportunity to have reconciliation for his or her services based not only on 15% of Tournament Winnings but also on endorsement deals executed during the term of the Engagement+ Contract. Should an Athlete not earn enough to cover his or her Collective prior to Retirement, the Association believes it is fair to allow the Collective to be forgiven. It is an equal gamble on both sides. The Association and GTP feel that this forces a Coach to put his faith in not only his or her abilities as a Coach but also into his or her Athlete’s abilities.
An invoice is sent ten (10) days prior to the conclusion of every month to each Certified Athlete who has any outstanding collective from Engagement+ Contracts. Should an Athlete have Tournament Winnings from that month, that Athlete will be required to use 15% of those winnings (prior to any taxes or withholdings) towards reconciling any outstanding collective by the 1st of the month to GTP’s Association. Should that Athlete have executed an endorsement deals during any active Engagement+ Contract, Athlete will reconcile outstanding collective with 10% of those earnings. So long as you (the Coach) have linked an external bank account and provided a W-9 during your Application and subscription phase, your pro-rata portion of the Collective will be automatically transferred directly to your account upon our Collection of these funds.
We have developed our own blue print based upon personal experience as to how to handle these situations. Should a Certified Member not reconcile any outstanding invoice within ten (10) days, (which we hope no one does) then all active contracts associated with that Member will be immediately suspended and any active Certified Contracts will be immediately suspended. Should that Member not reconcile any outstanding invoice by the close of the month (30 days), then any active Contracts associated with that Certified Member will be immediately terminated, their Certification immediately revoked and total aggregate collective will be deemed to be immediately owed and due. The Association will initiate collection procedures on behalf of all parties.
Amateur Contracts (Explained)
An Amateur Contract is a Certified Contract of GTP’s Association that is executed between a Parent/Guardian of a Player with either a Certified Coach, Trainer and/or Academy. The Parent or Guardian is the guarantor and agrees to pay for services provided over with a set payment plan of 3.5% of total collective quarterly.
By the Association’s Operating Agreement definition, an Amateur Contracts means, a contract entered into between a Certified Guardian and either;
1) A Certified Coach titled an “Amateur-Coach Contract” providing for, including but not limited to, tennis training, private or group tennis instruction, mental training, off-court training, and sparring sessions by the Certified Coach of a child or ward of the Guardian; or
2) By a Certified Trainer, titled “Amateur-Trainer Contract” providing for, but not limited to, private or group instruction, mental training, stretching, off court fitness, dietary assistance, body-building, cardio and non-cardio fitness exercises and massage therapy, regardless of the ward’s age; or
3) By a Certified Academy, titled “Amateur-Academy Contract”, providing either Coaching or Training as just defined.
Collectively called “Amateur Contracts.” Amateur Contracts to be executed by Guardians who wish to retain their child or ward’s status as an Amateur containing all of the terms, provisions, and details of the Amateur Contract in the Association’s Operating Agreement, as the same may be amended by the Manager, in its sole discretion, from time to time by the Manager.
1) An Amateur Contract may be signed between a Parent/Guardian of someone under eighteen (18) years of age and either a Certified Coach, Certified Trainer or Certified Academy; or
2) An Amateur Contract may be signed between a Parent/Guardian of someone eighteen (18) years of age or older and either a Certified Coach, Certified Trainer or Certified Academy with the express permission of the Manager based on extenuating circumstances such as maintaining NCAA eligibility for a Guardian’s child or ward.
YES but you must have the express permission of the Association. If your Player is a child or ward over 18 and wishes to maintain their NCAA eligibility or for other reasons, the Association may grant the execution of Amateur Contracts. Amateur Contracts are unlike Engagement or Engagement+ Contracts which reconcile their collective based on 15% of future Tournament Winnings.
Of course it matters. Amateur Contracts ensure your child or ward retains their NCAA eligibility.
NCAA Manual rule states:
Preferential Treatment, Benefits or Services. Preferential treatment, benefits or services because of the individual’s athletics reputation or skill or pay-back potential as a professional athlete, unless such treatment, benefits or services are specifically permitted under NCAA legislation. [R] (Revised: 1/11/94, 1/14/08)
With Amateur Contracts, a Guardian is the Guarantor and ensures reconciliation for services provided by a Certified Coach, Trainer or Academy therefore maintaining his or her child or ward’s NCAA eligibility.
One year from the conclusion of the calendar quarter from when services were provided a Guardian will begin a reconciliation plan on 14% of the total collective (including interest) annually to be paid quarterly (approximately 3.5% per quarter including interest). At the conclusion of five (5) years, the Guardian is required to make a balloon payment on any remaining collective, or, at the Association’s discretion, may extend the reconciliation option for additional years.
- Universally accepted Contracts.
- Contract familiarity.
- Automated and easy to use Contracts.
- Protection for Contract.
- Uniform accountability across the Globe.
Amateur Contracts provide you an opportunity to say YES to a parent without compromising your value. “Free lessons” now have a new meaning. Give your time today, and be compensated tomorrow. Using Amateur Contracts is an alternative way to conduct business while bringing accountability to the services you provide.
Yes. As a Coach, with your membership, you may currently execute as many Amateur Contracts as you would like, however you may not have more than ten (10) active Amateur Contracts at any one time.
Engagement Contracts (Explained)
An Engagement Contract is a Certified Contract of GTP’s Association executed between either a Certified Athlete and either a Certified Coach, Trainer or Academy.
The Certified Athlete must be eighteen (18) years of age or older and is the guarantor. A Coach, Trainer or Academy is compensated on 15% of the Certified Athletes future Tournament Winnings.
Upon an Athlete’s retirement, (not having played eight (8) ATP, WTA or ITF sanctioned tournaments in on year for two (2) consecutive years) the Athlete will begin a payment plan identical to that of the Certified Guardian on 14% of remaining collective (including interest) annually. Payments to be made quarterly on 3.5% of outstanding collective (including interest).
Defined by the Association’s Operating Agreement, an Engagement Contract means, a contract entered into between a Certified Athlete, Certified Minor Athlete or Certified Guardian and either a Certified Coach, Certified Trainer or Certified Academy collectively titled “Athlete Engagement Contracts,” and individually “Athlete-Coach Engagement Contract,” “Athlete-Trainer Engagement Contract” and “Athlete-Academy Engagement Contract.”
Athlete-Coach Engagement Contracts provide for tennis training, including but not limited to, private or group tennis instruction, mental training, off-court training and sparring sessions.
Athlete-Trainer Engagement Contracts include, but are not limited to, private or group instruction, mental training, stretching, off court fitness, dietary assistance, body-building, cardio and non-cardio fitness exercises and massage therapy.
Athlete-Academy Engagement Contracts provide all of the provisions that both a Certified Coach and Certified Trainer may provide as just defined, containing all of the terms, provisions, and details of the Athlete Engagement Contract(s) in the Association’s Operating Agreement, as the same may be amended by the Manager, in its sole discretion, from time to time.
Athlete Engagement Contracts may also be initiated by a Certified Agent to be executed by and between two (2) Certified Members titled “Agent-Initiated Engagement Contracts.”
An Engagement Contract may only be signed between either a Certified Athlete of someone eighteen (18) years of age or older and either a Certified Coach, Certified Trainer or Certified Academy. An Agent may also initiate an Engagement Contract between two (2) Certified Members.
You must sign Minor Engagement Contracts and have your Player apply with their Guardian as a Minor Athlete. (SEE FAQ SECTION Minor Engagement Contracts)
Engagement Contracts will forego a Certified Athletes NCAA eligibility. Do not execute an Engagement Contract with anyone who wishes to still participate or is currently participating in NCAA athletics.
NCAA Manual rule states:
Preferential Treatment, Benefits or Services. Preferential treatment, benefits or services because of the individual’s athletics reputation or skill or pay-back potential as a professional athlete, unless such treatment, benefits or services are specifically permitted under NCAA legislation. [R] (Revised: 1/11/94, 1/14/08)
Because Engagement Contracts are reconciled based on future Tournament Winnings, an Athlete would be ineligible to participate in NCAA intercollegiate sport upon executing an Engagement Contract.
As a Coach, you will be compensated for the services you provided based upon the results of the Athlete you have contracted with. An Athlete is required to reconcile any collective on 15% of their future Tournament Winnings (prior to taxes and withholdings) on services you have provided.
Upon an Athlete’s retirement from the sport, not having played eight (8) sanctioned ATP/WTA/ITF tournaments in one year for two (2) consecutive calendar years, the Athlete is required to begin a payment plan identical to a Certified Guardian plan on the collective outstanding to the Association. The Athlete or will receive an invoice quarterly representing 3.5% of remaining collective including interest.
- Universally accepted Contracts.
- Contract familiarity.
- Automated and easy to use Contracts.
- Protection for Contract.
- Uniform accountability across the Globe.
Engagement Contracts allow you as a Coach to put “your money where your mouth is.” If you believe in your own abilities as a Coach to turn your Athlete into a proverbial winner while simultaneously believing in your Athlete’s future potential, defer your compensation today, and be rewarded when that Athlete succeeds.
Yes. As a Coach, with your Membership, you can currently execute an unlimited number of Engagement Contracts, however you may not have more than ten (10) active Engagement Contracts at any one time with an Athlete.
So long as you performed the services you had promised, the total deferred compensation stated in the Engagement Contract will be held by the Association. At any point, prior to the Athlete’s retirement, should the Athlete have any Tournament Winnings, this will be utilized to reconcile your outstanding collective.
Engagement+ Contracts (Explained)
Per the Associations Operating Agreement, an Engagement+ Contract means, a contract entered into between a Certified Coach, individually titled “Athlete-Coach Engagement+ Contracts”, Certified Trainer, “Athlete-Trainer Engagement+ Contracts, or by a Certified Academy titled “Athlete-Academy Engagement+ Contracts” collectively titled “Athlete Engagement+ Contracts” and a Certified Athlete who has either;
(a) been previously approved by the Manager to execute such Agreement via the Engagement+ Application; or
(b) been (i) ranked in the ATP or WTA top one hundred fifty (150) for singles or (ii) top fifty (50) ATP or WTA for doubles any time within the preceding two (2) years of the execution of the Athlete Engagement+ Contract, which may be amended by the Manager, in its sole discretion, from time to time and contains all of the terms, provisions, and details of the Athlete Engagement+ Contract in the Association’s Operating Agreement.
A Certified Coach to provide tennis training, including but not limited to, private or group tennis instruction, mental training, off-court training or sparring sessions.
A Certified Trainer to provide for, including but not limited to, private or group instruction, mental training, stretching, off court fitness, dietary assistance, body-building, cardio and non-cardio fitness exercises or massage therapy.
A Certified Academy to provide, including but not limited to, all of the provisions of Coaching and Training as just defined.
Athlete Engagement+ Contracts may also be initiated by a Certified Agent to be executed by and between two (2) Certified Members titled “Agent-Initiated Engagement+ Contracts.”
An Engagement+ Contract may be executed by and between any Certified Coach, Trainer or Academy and a Certified Athlete who has either;
(a) Been previously approved by the Manager to execute such Agreement via the Engagement+ Application; or
(b) Been (i) ranked in the ATP or WTA top one hundred fifty (150) for singles or (ii) top fifty (50) for ATP or WTA doubles any time within the preceding two (2) years of the execution of the Athlete Engagement+ Contract.
This all depends on the success of the Certified Athlete you have contracted with. Per the Association’s Operating Agreement, a Certified Coach who has performed services for a Certified Athlete under an Engagement+ Contract, will be compensated based on 15% of the Athlete’s future Tournament Winnings (prior to taxes and withholdings) including 10% of any endorsement deals executed during the term of the Engagement+ Contract. An Athlete will receive an invoice ten (10) days prior to the close of each month containing the past months Tournament Winnings and the amount of Collective owed. The Athlete will be required to reconcile this invoice by the 1st of the month. Assuming a timely payment by the Athlete, a Coach can expect compensation by the 15th of the month.
If you have collective based on an Engagement+ Contract, if the Athlete does not have Tournament Winnings enough to reconcile any outstanding collective, then upon the retirement of the Athlete (Not having played eight (8) sanctioned ATP, WTA or ITF tournaments in one year for two (2) consecutive calendar years) any outstanding Collective is forgiven. This is opposite of Engagement Contracts where a payment plan commences upon Retirement.
- Universally accepted Contracts.
- Contract familiarity.
- Automated and easy to use Contracts.
- Protection for Contract.
Uniform accountability across the Globe.
Engagement+ Contracts allow you as a Coach to put “your money where your mouth is.” If you believe in your own abilities as a Coach to turn your Athlete into a proverbial winner, while simultaneously believing in your Athlete’s future potential, defer your compensation today, and be rewarded when that Athlete succeeds.
Yes. As a Certified Coach can currently execute an unlimited number of Engagement+ Contracts, however each Coach may not have more than three (3) active Engagement+ Contracts at any one time without the express permission of the Association.
Agent Initiated Contracts
Agent Initiated Contracts are Certified Contracts initiated by a Certified Agent between a Certified Athlete or Minor Athlete and a Certified Coach, Trainer or Academy. The Certified Agent should assist with negotiations on up-front (base) compensation, deferred compensation, services to be provided and the term of the contract.
Agents or Representatives of professional Athletes currently receive zero compensation for establishing Coaching or hitting sessions for their Players. Consequently, Agents usually look for the Coach who is willing to compromise their value. In an effort to encourage Agents to value a Coach/hitting partner we have created Agent Initiated Contracts so that the Agent will be compensated 20% from the 20% that GTP collects from each Certified Contract.
No. An agent will receive a pro-rata portion of what GTP retains (not including interest) as stated in FAQ Section (Are there any other hidden fees that GTP and the Association will charge?)
Minor Engagement Contracts
Defined by the Association’s Operating Agreement, a Minor Engagement Contract means, a contract entered into between a Minor Athlete and either a Certified Coach, Certified Trainer or Certified Academy collectively titled “Minor Athlete Engagement Contracts,” and individually “Minor Athlete-Coach Engagement Contract,” “Minor Athlete-Trainer Engagement Contract” and “Minor Athlete-Academy Engagement Contract.”
Minor Athlete-Coach Engagement Contracts include, but are not limited to, tennis training, private or group tennis instruction, mental training, off-court training and sparring sessions.
Minor Athlete-Trainer Engagement Contracts include, but are not limited to, private or group instruction, mental training, stretching, off court fitness, dietary assistance, body-building, cardio and non-cardio fitness exercises and massage therapy.
Minor Athlete-Academy Engagement Contracts provide Coaching and Training as just defined, containing all of the terms, provisions, and details of the Minor Athlete Engagement Contract(s) in the Association’s Operating Agreement, as the same may be amended by the Manager, in its sole discretion, from time to time.
Minor Athlete Engagement Contracts may also be initiated by a Certified Agent to be executed by and between two (2) Certified Members titled “Agent-Initiated Minor Athlete Engagement Contracts.”
As a Certified Coach you can sign any Minor Engagement Contracts with any Certified Minor Athlete that is under the age of eighteen (18) but above fourteen (14) years of age that wishes to execute a Minor Athlete Engagement Contract. However, the Association, Coach, Minor Athlete and Guardian of the Minor Athlete must file a Petition in the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida to obtain judicial approval of the Minor Engagement Contract on behalf of the Certified Coach, Certified Trainer or Certified Academy in question. By agreeing to execute such Contract, a Certified Minor Athlete and his or her Guardian waives his or her right to contest or object to the judicial approval of the Minor Engagement Contract.
This all depends on the success of the Minor Athlete you have contracted with. Per the Associations Operating Agreement, a Certified Coach who has performed services for a Minor Athlete under a Minor Engagement Contract, will be compensated based on 15% of the Minor Athletes future Tournament Winnings (prior to any taxes or withholdings) by the Minor Athlete’s Guardian. The Minor Athlete will not be responsible or the guarantor of this Collective.
We added this question to ensure you enter GTP with eyes wide open. GTP and the Association has been created entirely in an attempt to enhance and make business in the sporting community better. Yes we collect interest on collective held, yes we have a membership fee, yes we collect 20% on all collectives, but in order to run this platform and to maintain the Association we must recoup some overhead costs. If you enjoy this as an alternative business method we would love to have you be a part of our GTP movement.
Obviously we will be sad to see you go as we clearly did not cater to something that made business better for you. You are more than welcome to cancel your membership at anytime by heading to your profile page and selecting the terminate my membership button.
Unfortunately, per the Operating Agreement, your Membership would be placed into terminated Status. With terminated status, if you had any collective outstanding to be owed to you, as a Terminated Coach you would be fourth in line to be compensated with those Coaches in Good Standing and Suspended Status being compensated their pro-rata share first.